Cable Systems and Cable Landing Stations are on their way
Cable Loading and Cable Landing Stations in Transit
The ASN cable ship “Ile de Brehat” in Calais during cable loading
The compact Branching Unit in its carry cradle being lowered into the hold of the ship to be used on the Solomon islands Domestic Network

The CS2 branching unit suspended in the ship being transported to its cradle for the journey

CS2 IBT End of body load tank 1

CS2 IBT Matt Shields from Vocus checking Sp BU and Sp CBU
Repeater (for Coral Sea Cable) being carried on a rail crane to its cradle in the ship
Lightweight cable being wound into the cable drum on the ship. The guard rails protecting the cable entry to the drum are clearly visible

CS2 IBT RPT bigt slot Tank 1

CS2 IBT Seg 1.1 completed, loading completed Tank 1 David

CS2 IBT Seg 1.1 Tank 1 ullage 5.5m
CS2 cable being loaded into a cable drum on the Ile de Brehat

Noro Cable Landing Station in transit at the port of embarkation

SSC office module being loaded onto transporter at the factory