The Solomon Islands Domestic Network (SIDN)
Four Provinces of the Solomon Islands are joined by the Solomon Islands Domestic submarine cable Network (SIDN). SIDN was constructed in parallel with the International Coral Sea Cable System. SIDN ensures that key Provincial Centres can benefit fully from the International cable system and it supports the advancement of domestic telecommunications in the Solomon Islands.
SIDN links Auki in Malaita Province, Noro in Western Province and Taro in Choiseul Province with Honiara. It is an unrepeated multi core fibre network with two branching units. The length of the longest segment from Honiara to Noro is 430km and is one of the longest unrepeated segments in the world. To achieve this distance ROPA amplifiers are installed approximately 100km along the cable from Honiara and Noro landing stations.
The system was 66.7% grant funded by The Commonwealth of Australia with the remaining 33.3% provided by the Solomon Islands Government through Solomon Islands Submarine Cable Company Limited (SISCC).
SISCC constructed all the landing party infrastructure required to install the cable system using local Solomon Islands contractors. The land infrastructure includes beach landings, land cable duct routes from the beach landings to landing station sites. Prefabricated Cable Landing Stations for the cable system electronics in each of the four locations was sourced from a specialist vendor in USA.
After commissioning in late 2019, the title of the Solomon Islands Domestic Network was transferred to SISCC. The system has an expected life of over 25 years.